
Terme Reali di Valdieri Water, has been classified as medium-mineral according to its dry residue; it belongs to the group of the sulphureous sulphate-chloride-sodic hyperthermal waters (42-64 °C) and has a distinctly alkaline pH value (according to Marotta and Sica).

Under the therapeutic point of view it is a sulphureous water. The source temperature of 130 °C can be reached with a circulation pushing to 4500 meters of depth.
Italian Geological Society

Main characteristics of Terme Reali di Valdieri Water

• Fixed residue at 180 °C: 275 mg/l.
• HS-: 4,05 mg/l of hydrogen sulphide.
• Spring temperature: about 60 °C.

The specific therapeutic action of the water combines with its specific actions related to the physical characteristics of the means, such as heating, which are strictly connected to the application technique.

Chemical-physical characteristics of Terme Reali di Valdieri Water

Temperatura dell’acqua alla sorgente °C 60,0
pH a 20 °C - 9,2
Conducibilità elettrica a 20 °C μS cm-1 350,0
Residuo fisso a 180 °C mg/l 284,0
Durezza totale in gradi francesi G.F. - 0,92
Nitriti - assenti
Ammoniaca - assenti
Grado solfidrometrico H2S mg/l 4,05

Substances dissolved in a liter of Terme Reali di Valdieri Water

Calcio Ca2+ 5,9 0,2944 -
Magnesio Mg2+ 0,04 0,0033 -
Sodio Na+ 68,2 2,9653 -
Potassio K+ 3,3 0,0844 -
Idrogenocarbonato HCO3- 30,5 - 0,4999
Solfato SO42- 62,5 - 1,3013
Cloruro Cl- 26,5 - 0,7473
Carbonato CO32- 2,7 - 0,0900
Solfidrato HS- 3,9 - 0,1182
Silice SiO2 65 - -
Prenota parco termale Prenota parco termale